If you are asking yourself if you could possibly be an Andromedan Starseed, that’s often an indication that you may well be one. Starseeds are very advanced old souls who possess deep knowledge that dates back hundreds of thousands of years. They originate from many different planets, star systems, galaxies dimensions and parallel universes. Some of the better-known Starseeds, besides Andromedan Starseeds are Pleiadian, Sirian, Avian, Orion, Reptilian, Arcturian and Lyran Starseeds
What are Andromedan Starseeds like?
Andromedan Starseeds are a very loving, beautiful and intelligent star race. They live in higher dimensions, up to the 12th. Their energy frequency is so high that it appears to affect the ease of incarnation, as well as the amount of soul energy that can be maintained in the human form in the 3rd dimension.
For that reason, there are not many Andromedan Starseeds on the planet. It’s said there are less than 1 million currently on Earth. In comparison, there are millions of Pleiadian Starseeds incarnated on Earth right now. Although Andromedan Starseeds usually live understated lives and do not call too much attention to themselves, they play an important role on Earth. Their levels of energy can affect others deeply just with their presence. By being on Earth, Starseeds open new galactic energetic pathways between galaxies. They are so powerful, that as humans, they often fear their own power and are unsure of what to do with their extraordinary internal strength.
Andromedans are freedom seekers, wanderers and system-busters. They are a kind of “quiet warrior”, staying in the background, usually in supportive roles that seem mundane but make all the difference on the planet. They are undercover heroes who don’t seem to have much of an ego and just want to help.
Andromedan Starseeds Origin
Andromedan Starseeds are from the Andromedan Galaxy (also known as “Messier”); our neighbour and nearest galaxy. It is a spiral-shaped galaxy around 2.5 million light years away, and it is so bright that it is visible from Earth to the naked eyes on dark nights. This diverse galaxy is also home to Pleiadians, Syrians and Lyrans.
The Andromedan Starseed Mission
The Andromedan Starseed mission is to help humanity evolve inner consciousness evolution journey. Andromedans, just like many other Starseeds, heard the call to volunteer and come to Earth to help in this important period in her history. They came to help restore peace, and support the planet with her shift into higher vibrations.
It is a challenging mission as our planet is mostly ruled and enslaved by Reptilian Starseeds. Andromedans and Reptilians don’t get along well as Andromedans are all about freedom.
Andromedan individual missions vary from Starseed to Starseed. Usually they guide humans through their teaching or spiritual work. Their high intelligence helps them excel in many areas, especially science. Many Andromedans are artists or freelancers, and they often struggle with a 9-5 routine. They tend to change jobs several times during their life as they seek newness. This allows them to reach more people and better fulfil their Andromedan Starseed purpose.
Andromedan Starseed Activation
The Andromedan Starseed activation usually occurs when they have done all the necessary work to activate the dormant parts of their DNA to embody more light energy. The more they let go of past, heavy baggage and negative beliefs about themselves, the more they can hold light and share it with others.
Andromedans need to work on their self-love and confidence, just like other Starseeds, in order to activate all their power. If you are an Andromedan Starseed, or any other kind of Starseed, make sure you practice activation meditations to help you along this process.
Andromedan Starseed Energy
The Andromedan Starseed energy is very beautiful, powerful and kind. Andromedans vibrate at very high frequencies and they are able to change peoples lives just by being around them. They radiate love and light everywhere they go. If you have an Andromedan friend, you have probably noticed that they are to completely change a room’s energy as soon as they walk in. It is as if they don’t even need to do much other than just simply be themselves.
Andromedan StarseedAppearance
Andromedan can seem many different human appearances and incarnate on different parts of the planet, however it is said that most of them are very slim and have a hard time putting on weight. When it comes to their style, most of them are not afraid to stand out, as they are a bit rebellious and seek freedom at all levels.
Andromedan Starseed Signs
Still not sure if you’re an d Andromedan Starseed? Here are some signs below that can help you clear your doubts.
Freedom Seekers: Andromedan Starseeds love freedom and may go to great lengths to maintain it. They cannot tolerate spending their days in cubicles working for someone else or bing monitored. For that reason most of them end up launching their own business or working in a centrally e… back to individuals.
Rebels: Andromedans struggle with following governmental laws and regulations as they despise corruption. Of all Starseeds Races, they have the hardest time understanding why anyone would have to pay taxes to live on the planet we were born on. Andromedans often gage in activism for social change, and against imperialism classism and racism.
Travellers: Andromedan Starseeds love traveling. Some will even choose a nomadic lifestyle. You find them always planning their next getaway as travel is for them a method of spiritual expansion.
Amazing Judges: It is very difficult to manipulate an Andromedan. They can spot emotional manipulation and do not put up with guilt trips. If you want to make them feel guilty about something that is not true, they can tell straight away are trying to manipulate them and will act accordingly. Andromedans really dislike when they are treated unfairly. They also hate all attempts at drama and are very protective of their emotional boundaries.
Outsiders: Most Andromedans have a hard time trying to understand how humans thinks. They feel as if most people around them have been brainwashed by the media and are blind to what is actually happening on the planet. This makes it frustrating for them to reside on earth. For this reason they are often seen as being “different” or “outsiders”.
Lack Confidence: Although they usually appear very confident, there are many Andromedan Starseeds that struggle with lack of self-love. It is that they feel so different from everyone else, they start wondering whether anyone will be interested in listening to what they have to say. Sometimes they are simply scared of speaking up, but as they evolve on their spiritual path, they usually overcome this and step into their full power.
Don’t Like Commitments: Andromedan Starseeds hate feeling obligated to do something. Because they value freedom so much, they constantly move around, change friends, parties, jobs and homes. They tend to run away when they feel someone is too controlling. For those reasons, they are often labeled as “flaky” or “unreliable”. However as they evolve and ascend in consciousness, they settle down and learn that true freedom comes from within.
Drawn to Ancient Civilizations: Andromedans are drawn to cultures such as ancient Egypt or Atlantis. They also feel a call to travel to spiritual places such as Machu Pichu or current day Egypt, where they feel somehow more connected to home due to their higher frequencies.
Drawn to Nature: Just like many other Starseeds, Andromedans feel strongly attracted to nature and water. They struggle with living in landlocked areas, as they really need to to be close to water. They love going to the beach or for long walks in the forest. These places make them feel revitalized.
Good Masculine-Feminine Balance: While most humans struggle to maintain a healthy masculine-feminine balance, Andromedans seem to naturally reach it. This is because most Andromedans are 12th dimensional, and when souls reach such a high frequency, they become more androgynous in their energy fields.
Selfless: Andromedans are not selfish or egotistic. They are very loving and spiritual. They are extremely collective consciousness-oriented and just want to be of service and help humanity.
Inspiring: Andromedan Starseed live very inspiring lives as they are always trying to learn, grown and evolve. They constantly seek knowledge and they inspire others. They are innate teachers and guides.