"We are a collective of conscious beings. We span all levels. We are inclusive. We are ‘UNITY’”.


"We speak as One. We are a collective of Conscious Beings brought together to focus our attention on the condition of humanity and the evolutionary unfolding of Consciousness. We span all levels. We are inclusive. Our purpose in coming together was to find a simple solution to negativity and misalignment, and to assist in the development of a process that would end imposed suffering, starting at the human level. This Creation is for the good of all who wish to partake of it.

We are UNITY.”


The Divine UNITY Field and UNITY Living Process, the greatest gift to Humanity since The Law of ONE, were co-created by the late, Jonathan C. R. Davies, and a group of celestial light beings, who, to simplify Earthly communications, referred to themselves as “Unity”.

Their co-creative process, originating through pure intention, was highly complex, requiring much attention to a myriad of details, and lasted over a period of several years.

The man known on Earth as Jonathan C. R. Davies, was a powerful and highly-enigmatic being, proven to have been of the 8th dimensional Order of Melchizedek, as have been other “Melchizedek-come-to-Earth-beings” known throughout our history. Some were legendary, yet many, like Jonathan, lived a quiet, yet hugely influential life behind the scenes, directly affecting the very destiny of humanity itself.

It was Jonathan’s mission, as a member of the Order of Melchizedek, to create a “space”, or a “Divine energy field, or bubble”, that could be placed around an individual; “A simple solution to negativity and misalignment, that would assist in the development of a process that would end imposed suffering, starting at the human level”, in the words of Unity themselves.

Having realized this was indeed his mission from on high, Jonathan set about the process of exploring the creation of such a Divine energy field in 2007, culminating in the “Sacred Bubble”, which was the Unity Bubble’s precursor.

Shortly thereafter, an agreement, based on free will, was forged between Jonathan and the light beings of Unity, who, acting in unison, guided their co-creative process. Hence the name, “Unity Bubble”, in honour of Unity.

Jonathan C. R. Davies shed his human form in 2016 to return to Unity, from whence he originated. He is deeply missed by all who came to know and love him as the powerful and highly-enigmatic human being he was, and as the magnificent Melchizedek-come-to-Earth, who was to them teacher, mentor, partner, father and/or friend.

The light beings that presented as Unity are too numerous to recount here, though several are particularly noteworthy. A list of those beings follows below, along with a brief overview of what many believe some of their characteristics to be.


  • Our Universe Creator God; God the Father, together with the Goddess, Holy Mother, continue to support the unfolding of our universe toward the profound development and unfolding of “self” in alignment with “all that is”.

    The cosmic monad of Holy Father God returns through the Emerald Order, along with a transmission of liquid light plasma waves emanating from the cosmic Christos at the end of the ascension cycle.

    It is at this time that the Holy Father and Holy Mother unite to activate the permanent seed atom in the crystal heart, and return the blueprint of that seed atom to those it rightfully belongs to; Divine human beings.

    The “return to rightful owner” (those human beings who have developed their heart center and aligned themselves with their true essential nature) of the embodiment of a spiritual consciousness of unconditional love and compassion, is the will of God the Father, and the enactment of universal law.

    The “Yod” of Father God is the “aspect” or “finger of God” that works through the principle of “compassion in action” to restore the law of compassion for humanity on the Earth, an aspect of the universal law of structure.

    As consciousness increases, and as the law of structure re-organizes the cosmological planes into higher harmony and balance, the Yod is formed in the creator's blueprint to shower loving compassion upon those who have open hearts that may receive it.

    When the Yod appears in the astrological timeline, or blueprint of a human being, that person experiences a deeper relationship that connects into the presence of the Holy Father. The interpretation of the Yod presence, or “compassion in action”, is left with each person to experience directly, and to interpret, as it relates to their higher spiritual purpose.

  • “Micha-el”, ”protector of God”, is the Divine Archangel who coordinates the universe expression of God the Father.

    The family of Michael are Blue Ray descendants of the First Order Founder Ray of Melchizedek, that are the Guardians of the East, and hail from Aldebaran. They were part of the guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 arc portal system, a group which has been at war with many races that have wanted to control this arc portal/access gate that leads out of the universal time matrix for eons.

    The family of Michael, and those who have avian genetics and Seraphim memories, are of soul groups that have acted as grail keepers, and have been spiritually committed to protecting Earth, as they are the true guardians of Earth, protecting Earth’s access points into the inner worlds where the grail points are located.

    Archangel Michael is considered to be the protector of the gates of heaven and the leader of the Divine armies made up of angels, other archangels, and five other categories of celestial entities.

    He is a Divine protector against the forces of evil, a supporter of justice, a helper in fulfilling our destinies under the Divine laws. He is the keeper of light and protector of spiritual values, and is of great importance to the fate of mankind. He is often associated with the manifestation of miracles in the physical world.

  • The Melchizedek are the “wild cards of the universe” and have been the genetic hosting race of the Earth’s ascension cycle for the last 35,000 years. Click HERE to read more in-depth information on the Order of Melchizedek.

    Their role is to help the Earth heal and evolve out from the lower dimensions of the phantom matrix.

    The word, “Melchizedek”, when uttered, is actually the sound tone translation of the vibrational pattern of the source family of collective cosmic consciousness within our universal time matrix.

    All humans are directly descended from this pattern, and are, in truth, in part energetically Melchizedek.

    There are several families of Melchizedek, and even more layers of family trees evolving from that lineage. One of them is a type of “cosmic crisis management team” for planetary systems that are experiencing genetic digression or possible annihilation.

    Many Melchizedek beings are ultra-terrestrial and exist in ascended state, meaning they are not in a form; They are light beings and can shape-shift at will.

    Melchizedek are the genetic lineage of the builders of the creative structures of holographic projections, also known also as “the Architects”, and they know how to correct structural integrity issues within creational systems.

    When there is breakdown of a system, as in, for example, a creation that is digressing instead of evolving since it’s integrity has been compromised, the Melchizedek go into the universal structure and attempt to heal and reweave genetic instruction sets into the holographic bodies of the celestial levels and merkaba field levels, at every level.

    In this sense, they are creator gods that work with instructional fields of holograms, have been inter-dimensional, and will incarnate into the form body in order to support or assist bringing particular code with it.

    As an embodied Melchizedek, one brings the file instruction set into the planet from the Melchizedek lineage when it is appropriate to do so, and the being has been trained enough to do so. This is so the information can be relayed into the planetary and creational fields through the morphogenetic field, or the consciousness instruction set program.

    When Melchizedek intelligence is woven throughout the species field, and has been key-coded throughout genetic programs, that intelligence allows the entire species to receive the genetic code of intelligence being directed throughout that consciousness layer.

    Click HERE to read more in-depth information on the Order of Melchizedek.

  • Otherwise known as Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua protects us and helps us understand the nature of commitment and what it truly means to “speak one’s truth”.

    Yeshua will assist with understanding the correct use of power and enable you to connect to your own, personal power.

    Yeshua, or Jesus of Nazareth, Master of Masters, and the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness, was instrumental in the Divine UNITY Field’s co-creation, asking that the 3 elements of the Christ Consciousness be infused into it. Those 3 elements consist of first, the compassionate heart, first for oneself, then for all others; second, to be the best one can be in every moment, and third, to enter service to others and the “all that is”., which, of course, includes one’s self.

    Yeshua, the Christ, originated from the life-stream of the Order of Melchizedek as a Living Presence of Greater Consciousness, known also as the Christ Consciousness.

  • Mother Mary, Spirit Mother of Humanity and Humanity’s Children, was also given the title “Queen of Heaven”. That title was also given to a number of ancient sky goddesses, worshipped throughout ancient Mediterranean and Near East territories.

    In Greco-Roman times Hera, and her Roman aspect Juno, bore this title. Forms and content of worship varied. In modern times, the title, "Queen of Heaven" is still used by contemporary pagans to refer to the Great Goddess, while Catholics, Orthodox, and some Anglican Christians now apply the ancient title to Mary, the Mother of Yeshua.

    More in-depth study reveals that at the forty-seventh annual meeting of the Mariological Society of America, in May 29-31, 1996, the theme for the 1996 meeting was "Marian Spirituality and the Inter-religious Dialogue."

    The Mariological Society's program was one of the first to see the historical figure of Mary as present in some of the world's religions; in others, there are traits of spirituality which we identify as Marian. The spirituality of first-century Judaism contributes to a better understanding of Mary, daughter of Israel, and true child of Israel.

    Mary is mentioned thirty-four times in the Qur'an, the only woman mentioned by name, and Islam pays Mary its highest compliment, namely, that she is a person of faith and of submission to God, a model to be imitated by all Muslims.

    In some parts of the Middle East, Muslims, particularly women, visit Marian shrines to seek her intercession.

    Speaking of Muslims, Vatican II had said, "Although not acknowledging him as God, they (Muslims) venerate Jesus as a prophet; his virgin Mother they also honour and even at times invoke.”

    In the great religions of Asia, there are female images of compassion which bear a similitude to Mary. Maria Reis-Habito's presentation at this meeting spoke of how Japanese Christians transformed the Buddhist deity of compassion into a thinly veiled image of Mary, known as Maria-Kannon.

    In a recent study, Francis X. Clooney, S.J., has shown the similarity between Christian and Hindu texts.

    The following is a magnificent poem of the Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore, deeply resonating with the verses of Mary's Magnificat:

    “Thou has made me endless, such is thy pleasure.
This frail vessel thou emptiest again
 and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.
This little flute of a reed thou has carried over hills and dales,
and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new.
 At the immortal touch of thy hands my little heart loses its limits in joy
and gives birth to utterance ineffable.
Thy infinite gifts come to me only on these very small hands of mine.
 Ages pass, and still though pourest, and still there is room to fill.”

  • The Solar Logos, or the most radiant Father Sun, is the great organizing principal and central emanation point for the life force for this solar system.

    The Solar Logos is inherently the avatar Christos matrix, which is the fourth triad of intelligence that holds the higher frequency bands of the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions in our universal time matrix.

    The triadic identity of the avatar matrix is required to link into the soul matrix in order to directly ascend back into the universal mind and cosmic logos.

    This level of consciousness embodiment is now possible from within any section of the time matrix.

    The avatar, Christos, is the energetic reality of experiencing UNITY with God, and embodying the UNITY Logos as an intelligent consciousness field, where enlightened extra-dimensional contact begins for working in universal service for the cosmic sovereign Law of One.

  • When grounding is needed, our shining jewel, Mother Earth, or Gaia, shows us how to understand, support and appreciate our uniqueness as we become more and more aligned with our true nature.

    The name “Gaia” has been used to describe future Earth in its 7d form in the monad matrix universe.

    Currently, Earth exists in three, main formed identities in this universal time matrix: 3d Earth is called “Earth” or “Terra”; 5d Earth is called “Tara” and 7d earth is called “Gaia”.

    All the names refer to planet Earth at different stages of evolution in her timelines.

    The first seedings of the first two root races (who have now returned to Earth) occurred on the 7d version of our planet called Gaia.

    The ascension cycle currently transpiring on 3d Earth gives us the opportunity to reclaim fragments and consciousness pieces that were exploded and damaged in cataclysms and extra-dimensional galactic wars in 7d.

  • “Nature Deva Spirits” or “Deva”, one of which is Pan, refers to any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature.

    The “Deva Chan” refers to archetypal spiritual intelligences behind species, or the group soul of a species.

    The Devas are of an angelic type of lineage and are related to our solar level angelic hierarchy. They are an order of intelligence that oversees almost all aspects of creation, from the levels of blueprint and the patterning that create order, to the organization and the creation of the vital essence bodies of every living form.

    Nothing can exist in a world of form without the direct participation or supervision of a particular Devic entity.

    Devas function at a particular level of intelligence, and we are able to work with Devas existing at many different levels.

    Natures spirits traditionally work in partnership and collusion with the Devas and are actually a part of what is known as the “Devic Kingdom”.

    Nature spirits are intelligences and entities that we are closest to in the physical plane. As the Devas are the intelligence that creates the blueprint, or the plan of the structure, the Nature spirits implement and put those plans into action.

    Earth’s life force energy and Nature spirits have traditionally been known as “Pan”.

  • The Council of Grandmothers and Grandfathers are made up of elders who offer their wisdom gladly to humanity pertaining to how to access our own knowing.