“Your task is not to seek for love, but to look within and find all the barriers; Those that you have built against that Love supreme.” - RUMI

The Fee for all my Sessions is by donation only so that all may benefit, regardless of financial constraints.

The Unity Bubble is a unique-to-each-recipient energy frequency that facilitates the gradual release and transmutation of whatever is blocking or interfering with its recipient’s alignment with their Higher Self and Soul. It also offers 24/7 energetic protection, an immediate and significant boost in vibrational frequency, and the facilitation of permanent, deep trauma healing and clearing, among many other profound benefits.

The Transmission of the intuitive 8th Dimensional Unity Bubble is the first of 8 Transmissions that make up the 16-Week Unity Living Process.

The Unity Living Process is based in Unity Consciousness. It is sacred work that, through Self-mastery, leads one to become the “transparent, authentic Divine Self and can assist with one’s attainment of Christ Consciousness.”



With the Unity Bubble, your core vibration can’t help but raise its frequency.

A cellular, carbon-based human cannot positively shift a 3rd Dimensional mindset or behavioural energy pattern/program into a higher frequency vibration using 3rd Dimensional technologies or methodologies. What is required is receiving a higher Dimensional frequency transmission that allows the recipient’s base frequency to entrain with the higher frequency of said transmission. How does that work?

It is a law in physics that when two cells are vibrating at varying frequencies, the lower vibrational cell’s frequency will naturally and spontaneously raise itself, or entrain with the higher frequency of the other cell. This is referred to as “sympathetic transference”.

As soon as you receive the Transmission of your Unity Bubble, it will, gently and lovingly, begin to assist you to raise your vibration, higher, and higher, and higher still.

It will continue to do so until you become the “transparent Self”, as The Law of ONE states, where you do “you” without interference; Self-limiting beliefs, addictions, blockages and conscious, subconscious and unconscious behavioural programming dissolve at a pace that is perfectly suited to you, allowing you to become fully aligned with your Higher Self once again.


The Unity Bubble’s most sought after, underlying benefits are its impenetrable nature and 8th Dimensional frequency bandwidth, which offer 24/7 loving protection from dark or negative energies/beings, interference or spiritual attacks, repelling them from the recipient’s being and permanently ending the susceptibility to further atto any nature. The 8th Dimensional Unity Bubble can also be tuned to resist the effects of atmospheric and energetic contaminants such as chemtrails.

  • The Unity Bubble’s origins are of the 8th dimensional realm of the Order of Melchizedek. It is an ancient order, to which, besides other known personages, Yeshua, the Christed One, light bearer of the Christ Consciousness, belonged.

    The Unity Bubble itself was co-created over many years by Jonathan C. R. Davies and “Unity”, a collective of celestial light beings.

    Jonathan, himself of celestial, Melchizedek origins, agreed to his Earthly incarnation in order to accomplish its co-creation, as it was necessary that at least one of their collective be on Earth to fulfill the “free will” aspect of the co-creative process of this unique and highly sought after gift to humanity.

    The Unity Bubble itself is understood to be the greatest gift to humanity since The Law of ONE, and has returned the state of “sovereignty, without interference”, among many other positive outcomes, to tens of thousands of recipients to date.

  • Once the Unity Bubble, the first Transmission of the UNITY Living Process, is transmitted to an open and willing recipient, it takes a spherical, impenetrable and protective form that energetically surrounds the recipient.

    With the transmission of the Unity Bubble itself, negative energies, thought patterns, blockages and negative influences immediately disappear, as they cannot exist within its positively charged, Divine 8th dimensional Field.

    Then, through engagement with the recipient, the Unity Bubble allows for the gentle release of more and more negative patterning, further blockages and any dysfunctional ways of being, as they become available to be released over time.

    The Unity Bubble remains permanently available to the recipient, as it is up to each one to decide just how much they want to interact with theirs, and what outcomes they desire from interacting with it.

    As your Unity Living Facilitator, I will assist you in making those determinations.

    The Unity Living Process includes 7 additional energetic Transmissions. It is recommended to wait for a period of at least 2 weeks between Transmissions.

    The 16-Week minimum Unity Living Process can be attuned to facilitate specific desired outcomes, be it the removal of trauma, blockages and interferences, on one end of the spectrum, to that, plus the full experience and awareness of the Christ Consciousness within the Self, as well as the achievement of self-mastery and the transparent personality.

    Click HERE to be taken to the page with a detailed description of each Unity Living Process Transmission.

  • Each Unity Bubble is transmitted as a “unique-to-each-recipient” version of itself that automatically works directly and symbiotically with the recipient’s Soul and Higher Self.

    The only prerequisite to receiving the Unity Bubble, or to completing the 16-Week, UNITY Living Process, is to be open and willing, as it operate only on a 100% free will basis.


  • Layer by layer, core abandonment, betrayal, or lack of trust issues are gradually and gently brought to the surface and released. These core or “umbrella” issues are the underlying causes of most human affliction, suffering and disease;

  • Achieve a deeper sense of peace and inner alignment through the healing of conscious and subconscious trauma energy, layer by layer, as it comes up for clearing and healing. It is important to note that one heals that which is available to be healed at any given time. This is monitored by the UNITY Field recipient’s higher self so that the recipient themselves are not overwhelmed through the clearing process.

  • In Law of ONE terms, Yeshua, the Christ, achieved Personality Transparency and became the logos, or the “word” and the embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

    At 74:11 in the Law of ONE, it states that “the heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold: 1. One, know yourself. 2. Accept yourself. 3. Become the Creator.

    It is exactly this that is offered within the UNITY Process through the 8, 8th dimensional Transmissions; That is deep trauma clearing, self-love and acceptance, moving into “service” as the true Self, without interferences, thereby becoming “transparent”.

    One cannot shift a 3rd dimensional mindset or energy pattern (a human) into a higher state of being using 3rd dimensional technologies, ideologies or methodologies. What is required is an infusion (transmission) of a much higher frequency that causes the recipient’s base frequency to rise higher and higher, in order to meet the frequency of the transmission. It is a law in physics and an indisputable fact that, when 2 cells are vibrating at varying frequencies, the lower vibrational cell’s frequency is brought up to the frequency of the higher vibrational one. This is an indisputable fact.

    The Unity Bubble will, slowly, gently and lovingly, raise your vibration, clear your deep seated trauma, and remove energetic blockages, to the point at which you become “transparent”, as the Law of ONE states; where you do “you”, without interference - and where who you were before (riddled with issues, blockages, programming, traumatic reactions, pain and suffering) simply falls away, and where your own blockages no longer prevent you from becoming your true, transparent Self;

  • Experience an increase in self-confidence through the gradual dissolution of limiting patterns. Limiting patterns include: the control and fear of value systems, angst, guilt, shame and blame, among others;

  • Faster emotional processing of grief and highly-stressful situations; Whatever traumatic event, situation or incident, that would have caused the recipient to process for days or weeks prior to receiving the Unity Bubble, they will find will now take only hours or days to process;

  • Faster manifestation due to protection from unseen, negative interferences;

  • The gradual and gentle dissolution of deeply ingrained restrictions of familial, societal, cultural and dualistic programming;

  • The gradual and gentle dissolution of addictions, inner resistances, and self-deprecating and self-sabotaging behaviours;

  • The gradual and gentle dissolution of blockages that block the recipient’s forward momentum on their path of spiritual growth; As such, suffering becomes distant and life becomes virtually effortless, just as it was meant to be;

  • The gradual and gentle dissolution of “stuck energies” that are the underlying cause of most physical and mental dis-ease in the human body;

  • The recipient experiences a renewed joy of living as limiting traits, including judgement, control, fear - as well as the negative ego - are transformed;

  • The recipient experiences a deeper connection with the Higher Self, which for Healers, provides a clearer understanding of what is required to help Clients in an optimal way. It also offers protection from any negative energies or entities released from Clients, thereby eradicating the need to clear oneself before or after healing sessions.


With just the Unity Bubble, it is necessary to actively release any thoughts or feelings that come up for clearing to it consciously. An example of this would be a response to a situation you realize you are responding to it in a manner that is out of alignment with your Higher Self and life’s purpose. It would also include self-sabotaging behavior or disproportionate anger, grief or any other challenging emotion. These would require you to consciously release to your Unity Bubble in order to clear the negative impact and emotional suffering these events would have created.

With the subsequent “Flow Transmission”, your Unity Bubble begins to function on its own, gently removing subconscious and unconscious negative patterns, as well as conditioning and blockages, without the necessity of the act of releasing to it consciously.

  • The purpose of the Flow Transmission is to break through deep-seated conscious, subconscious and unconscious resistances.

    The “unconscious” is a process that functions automatically and is not available for introspection.

    The “subconscious” is part of our consciousness process that is not actively in focal awareness.

    Without the assistance of an intelligent energetic entity like the Unity Bubble, humans are not able to make breakthroughs such as these on their own.

    With the Unity Bubble alone, it was necessary to make a conscious decision to actively surrender negative feelings, thoughts, emotions, as well as self-deprecating and self-sabotaging and resistant behaviours to it.

    With The Flow, this process gets turned on “auto pilot”. This means that all the above negative feelings, behaviors, etc., are now gently and efficiently cleared on a subconscious level, and on a 24/7 basis, by the Unity Bubble’s newly attuned, and unique-to-each-recipient “Flow frequency”.

    Your Unity Bubble is capable of dissolving resistances that you are consciously aware of, but only to the point you allow, as it will not override your free will. It is for this reason you will often be reminded by your UNITY Living Facilitator to “release the resistance to your Unity Bubble.”

    It is an important scientific fact that the subconscious mind is constantly processing approximately 70 billion bits of information per second. That amount is completely unmanageable by the human mind, which is only capable of processing approximately 17 million bits per second. That means that, without the assistance of the Flow Transmission, negative programming, with its 70 billion bits of information, is left to run amok in the subconscious mind.

    Once you receive The Flow Protocol, you have made the choice to work with your Unity Bubble on both a conscious and subconscious level, and to stop resisting letting go of anything in your life that is out of alignment with your Higher Self and Soul’s path.

    The Flow also creates a deeper alignment with the Self and Higher Self, so you can fully reclaim your ability to make conscious decisions based solely on your free will.

    The key here is to fully surrender to your Higher Self, so you naturally “step into the flow of your life”. When you are “in the flow”, things come to you virtually effortlessly, and you are able to manifest more and more of your heart’s desires with ease, and be fully present in each moment.

    Each Unity Living Process Transmission builds on the previous one, ever expanding and deepening, to provide the recipient with a broader and broader panacea, no matter how many resistances or how much trauma needs to be released.

    This all leads to the recipient becoming “self-actualized” as they fully reawaken and reembody their Divine authentic self.


When one creates and shapes one’s life exploration from the seat of the Divine, authentic Self located within the Heart, it is in full accordance with the Higher Self and Soul’s highest intentions.

When this becomes a way of life, that life literally becomes effortless.

With the assistance of your Unity Bubble, core issues disappear as they come up to be released, one by one, until all karma is completed. Choice becomes your own and you no longer act from reaction to the countless interferences and cultural and societal programs that were imposed on you over lifetimes; You now act only from the Divine, authentic Self that gets plugged directly into Intelligent Infinity, or Consciousness itself.

The Unity Bubble is transmitted in one Session and is available on its own. For deeper and more lasting transformation, however, the 16-Week Unity Living Process is unsurpassed by any transformational process known to human kind today.

Please note: Along with the Transmission of your Unity Bubble, I will also channel a message from Melchizedek or Unity directly to you at the time of your Session.


To book this 90 Minute Session, please fill out the Form below. I will be in touch via email so we can find a mutually convenient Session time and discuss any questions you may have prior to your Session.

Sessions are via Zoom or in person. An audio recording of your Session will be made available to you.

The Fee for all my Sessions is by donation only so that all may benefit, regardless of their financial situation.

Thank you for supporting me and this vital work.

Your unique Unity Bubble awaits!

You may reschedule once within 48 hours of your Session.