The cost for all my Sessions is by donation only so that all may benefit, due to the highly intense and sensitive ascension times we are currently in.

For millenia, intuitives and healers have known that the astral plane is rife with souls who are trapped within it, who must continue their lot according to soul contracts they made, consciously or not, while incarnate. That includes “stirring the pot”, so to speak, or causing interference in others’ lives; others’ lives just like yours.

You have made billions of soul contracts throughout your countless incarnations, and unless you’ve already had them cleared, you can bet that there are billions of them that are still active and still influencing your life in many negative ways.

Using the “ASH Process”, I am able to clear your countless negative soul contracts and literally turning them to “ash”, so you will no longer be interfered with on the Earth plane by negative contract and agreement holders, whether they are currently in a human body or trapped in the astral plane. This is not only for your benefit, but for theirs as well, as many of them are trapped in the astral plane, unable to continue their evolutionary path, or to ascend while they are bound by their previously made contracts.

Many of these contracts that they - and you - made over all space-time continuums that resided in were, in fact, a ruse, meant to deceive humanity into agreeing to re-enter Earth’s “reincarnation recycling and suffering” program that was put in place in the time of the Pharaoh Akhenaten when the Egyptian priesthood became corrupted by the Anunaki, whose dark agenda was to roll out into the mass enslavement of humanity. One of their “tools” of enslavement was to bind souls to contracts and agreements that would have them continually recycling back into the Earth realm to suffer yet another life in duality, fear, ill health, trauma, violence and poverty, or any combination thereof.

And if it was not a life of poverty, it was likely a life of depravity, bereft of a solid spiritual foundation, in which place were imposed religious doctrines, put in place to deceive, control, manipulate and strike fear in the hearts of all humanity. It was also the dawn of the blood cult that we, as Starseeds and Light Workers, are fighting to eradicate still today.

This is a Free Will Universe

Within our Free Will Universe, our free will itself has unrightfully been highjacked by those who would control, manipulate, dominate and keep humanity enslaved to satisfy their own dark agendas (see “The Anunaki - How They Shaped Our History”). We have all been duped into agreeing to countless malevolent soul contracts and agreements that were all meant to keep humanity trapped in a cycle of life-suffering-death.

By terminating these negative soul contracts and agreements and exercising your free will, to which the Universe must comply, as you are a Sovereign Entity and beloved aspect of Creation, you not only free yourself from the cycle of suffering and negative interference, you also free all your billions of family, ancestors and contract and agreement holders of their soul contracts with you, so they, too, can be free and move beyond the astral plane that is currently holding them imprisoned within its grossly overcrowded energetic confines.

Post Soul Contract Clearing, there will be much rejoicing as you set them - and yourself free.

Some will not be rejoicing as it was their express “job and joy” to interfere with you and cause you pain and suffering. They will be released from their contracts and taken to their “perfect place” at the end of the Clearing.

Going Deeper

You are a multi-dimensional Divine, Awakening Soul and Starseed with an expanded awareness, existing on a vibrational continuum that you experience as “reality”, whereas, in fact, that reality is a play between atoms and aether; animated by consciousness itself from a non-physical location.

We’ve been told by the scientific community at large that humans are able to see only 1% of the full light spectrum. I submit, that in reality, that percentage number is far less. Why? Because we have almost zero awareness of most of of what exists within the multiverse. We are therefore incapable of seeing it in our immediate field, even if it were to stare us directly in the face.

In quantum physics, we have to “create it” to see it, not “believe it when we see it. The latter paradigm is a blatant misrepresentation of how the quantum field actually works. For more information on this, and to see what Quantum Physicist, Marina Jacobi, presents on the subject, please visit the References page.

This has all led us to be easily duped by more evolved species that could manipulate our genetic makeup, causing us (in their particular case as that is what they wanted) much suffering, especially in the reincarnation recycling program; a thing of their creation.

Karma is Not Your Fault

Karma can only be agreed to, yet in many instances we all were coerced, manipulated, duped, tricked, cajoled, forced, or most often, “guilted” into recycling back after leaving the Earth plane to play out “soul contracts”, not knowing the only purpose for this was to generate the “loosh” of suffering that energetically feeds the oppressors/manipulators their sustenance.

These more technologically advanced species, in the form of “Reversal Networks”, collect life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants, producing more and more subtle black forces and miasma, which is one of their goals. The much sought after spiritual energy contained in these fields is called as mentioned above, “energetic loosh” by the cabals.

In this context, loosh is referred to as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed, that results in the traumatizing pain and suffering that is experienced and recorded in the body, mind and soul. This trauma and pain gets recorded in the earth body itself.

We are also blocked, toyed with, and are ceaselessly “having our pots stirred” - or worse - by our negative soul contract and agreement holders, who are obliged to continue playing their karmic games on us as per our agreements with them, 99.999% of which are negative and destructive.

You Still Have Free Will

…though it may not look like it to you at the moment. Now, more than ever in the history of human kind, is the time to exercise your free will and clear all negative soul contracts, negative entities and soul contract agreement holders that are blocking and adversely affecting your soul's and oversoul’s growth, spiritual progress and finally, ascension.


“Yes, you are not responsible for karma that others have created. The reason you are being made responsible is there are some spiritual contracts that in some way, in some form, in some dimension or time stream, in which they (anyone) got consent from you; whether it was known or unknown consent it doesn’t concern them. They have consent via signature, via soul contract, via something. Somehow they’ve linked a web to you. And once that’s linked to you, it’s your belief system that says, “Are you worthy of this debt or not?”

So many belief systems are external so you naturally take on the debt because you want to heal the others because that’s what the belief system says, “Take pity on the rest of the world. You must sin –suffer and sin, and so on and so forth, and all that other horse hockey. So it comes down to the belief system.

“When you begin revoking belief systems, your visceral body; this sympathetic, parasympathetic, the fight-flight reaction part of your body, has deeply imprinted programs on it, and this is what contract revocations are fighting. It’s preventing those deep programs from bringing back the negative frequencies such as bigotry, ignorance, intolerance, or any of those other things that make people just poor people out there, among many other spiritual and physical benefits.”

- Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian

*NOTE: During the Soul Contract Clearing Session, it is your Higher Self that is brought forward to decide which contracts are negative and need to be destroyed, and which are positive and in alignment with your Soul’s growth. These will not be affected at all.

After the clearing process, you will feel clearer, lighter, more “in the flow” and will manifest more quickly because you will no longer be interfered with by countless unseen negative forces and influences.


To book this 90 Minute Session, please fill out the Form below. I will be in touch via email so we can find a mutually convenient Session time and discuss any questions you may have prior to your Session.

Sessions are via Zoom or in person. An audio recording of your Session will be made available to you.

The cost for all my Sessions is by donation only so that all may benefit, due to the highly intense and sensitive ascension times we are currently in.

This Session is regularly CA$125, however it is available to you, no matter what you are able to offer as an energetic exchange or donation.

I look forward to facilitating this profound and life-changing Session; Not only for you, but for all your Ancestors and negative Soul Contract Agreement Holders as they are released from the Astral Plane and can now ascend.

Your Soul Contract Clearing awaits!

You may reschedule once within 48 hours of your Session.

RaDa with renowned Hypnotherapist, Gordon Smith-Durán, on Soul Contract Clearing

In early October, 2021, I did a series of videos with Past Life Regression Hypnosis and Hypnotherapist, Gordon Smith-Durán. We talked about several subjects, one of which was the Soul Contract Clearing I facilitate. Here’s that video below.