The Unity Bubble is the foundation of the Unity Living Process and sets the stage for more profound trauma healing work. It is a perfected, 8th-dimensional energetic aid that works with each recipient at a pace and depth suitable to them.

Throughout the 16-Week Unity Living Process, as negative interferences in the form of undesired feelings, emotions, memories and thoughts arise, they are gently and effectively dissolved, layer by layer, by your Unity Bubble’s energetic functionality - never to return.

The Unity Bubble only supports behaviours, motivations and intentions that are positively aligned with your Higher Self, the development of humanity, and Consciousness itself.

After receiving the transmission of your unique Unity Bubble, you will receive seven additional energetic Transmissions, no less than two weeks apart.

The Unity Living Process Transmissions are as follows:

  1. The Unity Bubble

  2. The Flow

  3. Breaking the Bonds

  4. The Sacred Garden

  5. The Open Heart

  6. The Anti-Angst

  7. Into Service

  8. Effortless Living

Each more subtle and profound, the Unity Living Transmissions offer cumulative awareness in the form of specific energetic components. These components will assist you at their relevant stage of self-exploration and healing, paving the way energetically for reawakening your Divine authentic Self and revealing the truth behind your purpose on Earth.

The Unity Living Process ultimately leads one from the head to the heart, where one can feel and act from the heart. This Truth is unmistakable. The result is a deep acceptance of the self and all beings who inhabit the Universe. Upon completion of the Unity Living Process, one ultimately feels, “This is all I need”.

Each Unity Living Transmission is ever-expanding and builds on the previous one to provide a broader and broader panacea, no matter how much resistance or trauma requires releasing, leading to the actualization of the Divine authentic Self.

More on each Unity Living Transmission below.


Each Unity Living Transmission, post your Unity Bubble Transmission, is an "infusion", or "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The purpose of the Flow Transmission infusion is to assist with breaking through deep-seated, subconscious and unconscious resistances, as well as conscious resistances.

The “unconscious” is a process that functions automatically and is not available for introspection. The “subconscious” is part of our consciousness process that is not actively in focal awareness. Humans cannot access these inner realms and are therefore unable to remove these deeply ingrained and hidden resistances without the assistance of an intelligent, energetic entity like the Unity Bubble.


With the Unity Bubble alone, it was necessary to undertake the act of releasing to your Unity Bubble.

With the Flow Transmission, you now agree anew to allow the release process to function 24/7 on subconscious and unconscious levels. Of course, should something you wish to release come up in your conscious awareness, you are encouraged to release to your Unity Bubble, just like you did prior to receiving the Flow Transmission. Doing so will help you process whatever negative emotion or feeling much faster than it would take without releasing to your Unity Bubble.

A frequently asked question is. "Do I still need to release to my Unity Bubble consciously after I receive the Flow Transmission?" The answer is, your Unity Bubble can dissolve resistances that you are consciously aware of, but only up to the point that you allow, as it will not override your free will; This is a freewill Universe, after all. Your Unity Living Facilitator will often remind you to consciously release to your Unity Bubble for this reason.


It is a proven scientific fact that the subconscious mind processes approximately 70 billion "bits" of information per second. That is utterly unmanageable by our human mind, which can only process about 17 million bits (not 70 billion bits) per second. That means that negative programming, with its 70 billion bits of information, is left to run amok in the subconscious mind.

Once you receive the Flow Transmission, the 70 billion bits are "managed", so to speak, as they are blocked by the Flow's frequency.


With the Flow Transmission, you are declaring to the Universe that you are now prepared to "not resist letting go" of anything in your life that is out of alignment with your Higher Self and Soul’s path as you now work with your Unity Bubble to achieve this on the subconscious and unconscious levels.

The Flow Transmission also creates a deeper alignment with the Higher Self, so you can fully reclaim your ability to make conscious decisions based solely on free will, without interference.

The key here is to surrender to your Higher Self fully; You will then naturally step into “the Flow of your Life.” And when you are "in the Flow" of your Life, things come to you virtually effortlessly, you can easily manifest more and more of your heart’s desires, and be increasingly present and "in the now" in each moment.

Each Unity Living Transmission infusion is ever-expanding and builds on the previous Transmission to provide a broader and broader panacea, ultimately leading to the actualization of the Divine Authentic Self and "Effortless Living in Divine Service".


Each Unity Living Transmission, post your Unity Bubble Transmission, is an "infusion", or "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Breaking the Bonds Transmission infusion is about assisting with discarding restrictions and limitations created by deeply ingrained societal, cultural, familial and DNA programming.

This programming, ongoing within each human being from birth, takes the form of layers upon layers of cultural and linguistic “sound bites” in the subconscious mind, which subsequently set up preverbal boundaries that we automatically accept without question or deeper analysis. This is how our free will is curtailed and our freedom of personal expression usurped.


The sound bites create circular "neuron nets", or cyclical mental patterns, that co-opt our desires and innate genius. They are designed to negatively influence our moment-to-moment behaviours and emotions as they become triggered by external events, and they do not represent our authentic desires, our innate truth, or our heart’s intentions in any way, shape or form.


It is these deeply-ingrained, governing, cyclical, neural net patterns that keep most human beings from moving forward, manifesting, and being able to accept full abundance into their lives.

None are immune from them as we are all products of the deliberate and  nefarious programming of globalist governments, 3-letter agencies, and high-powered individuals that head up corporations. Sadly, we have experienced their debilitating agendas on a moment-to-moment basis since birth.


In no way do these negatively-oriented elements serve the Higher Self. In fact, they dilute one’s Divine essence and usurp one's alignment with the Higher Self. It is exactly this that the Breaking the Bonds Protocol corrects.


Once the Breaking the Bonds Transmission is infused into your Unity Bubble, it’s energetic frequency begins to remove all sound bites and deeply-embedded habitual behaviours you have accumulated throughout your lifetime, as well as any you may have brought forward to be cleared from past lifetimes.

Over time, the Breaking the Bonds Transmission continues to work on a steadily deeper and deeper level, removing layer upon layer of habitual behaviours and restrictions. All sound bites eventually become thoroughly diffused, down to the deepest subconscious and unconscious levels.

Each Unity Living Transmission infusion is ever-expanding and builds on the previous Transmission to provide a broader and broader panacea, ultimately leading to the actualization of the Divine Authentic Self and "Effortless Living in Divine Service".


Each Unity Living Transmission, post your Unity Bubble Transmission, is an "infusion", or "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Sacred Garden Transmission is designed to create a sacred, 8th-dimensional, energetic sanctuary for you to retreat to at any time you need to balance out the challenging aspects of the Unity Living Work. It will remain your personal, sacred space for the remainder of your time on Earth.

The Sacred Garden Transmission creates a peaceful, frequency-specific personal space within one’s existing Unity Bubble, that is energetically matched to suit their specific needs. It is a “space beyond space” for complete relaxation and healing when one feels the need to rest, rejuvenate or heal on any level.


The Sacred Garden Transmission provides an energetic place you can enjoy, knowing that while you are resting, the energetic work you are doing is getting balanced, grounded and embodied deep within you, cementing positive future outcomes and timelines in your life. Inner Child Integration work also has an opportunity to settle and grow in peace within one’s Sacred Garden.

The Unity Living Work will not halt while you are resting in your Sacred Garden. It will also not stop while you are sleeping either, as your Unity Bubble and all the Transmissions remain active 24/7 to provide constant assistance on subconscious and unconscious levels that the conscious mind cannot access, heal, or alter.


Slip into your very own Sacred Garden sanctuary at any time and rest as long as you need, from a few minutes to a few hours, days or weeks. Everyone’s Sacred Garden is quite different; It is an energetic frequency, tailor-made and gifted to you alone. Regardless of when or why you decide to step inside - simply by deciding you would like to - deep, soothing relaxation, integration and healing await you there.

Each Unity Living Transmission is ever-expanding and builds on the previous one to provide a broader and broader panacea, no matter how much resistance or trauma requires releasing, leading to the actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission, post your Unity Bubble Transmission, is an "infusion", or "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Open Heart Transmission is about balance. Some people take the concept of “it is better to give than to receive” or “I’d be happy to give you the shirt off my back” to the maximum. They give away so much of their time, energy and resources, there’s precious little left over for them. Most are not aware of the fast that the receiving side of the heart is found in one’s back. It is often depleted or closed, causing the flow of love energy to be incomplete or disconnected from Self. The Open Heart Transmission provides an energetic alignment for the perfect balance of giving and receiving in all forms of relationships.


This Transmission also facilitates a balancing of masculine, “active, doing” aspects and “passive, receiving” feminine aspects.


The Open Heart Transmission also balances deeper aspects of one’s need to control situations or others. It also balances one’s human and Divine qualities, as well as one's connection with others in general. It also automatically and continuously grounds the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

With previous Unity Living Transmissions fully activated and operating, it is now safe to open the heart fully, and feel secure and comfortable with the vulnerability that comes with that openness.

Each Unity Living Transmission is ever-expanding and builds on the previous one to provide a broader and broader panacea, no matter how much resistance or trauma requires releasing, leading to the actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission, post your Unity Bubble Transmission, is an "infusion", or "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Anti-Angst Transmission facilitates a greater alignment with the Higher Self through even deeper inner clearing of all restrictions and conscious, unconscious and subconscious negative thoughts, emotions, feelings and memories.


“Angst” is a spiritual condition that many empaths describe as “a constant struggle with the burdens of life”. They also describe it as the state of picking up the energies of the collective consciousness both in general and around you. Sensing the global, collective angst and being incapable of turning off that sensitivity compounds the problem, especially given today’s general state of complete global mayhem. This type of profound, spiritual unrest and uneasiness has been described as incurable, which is accurate, as one cannot diminish one’s innate level of spiritual sensitivity.

One can, however, change it from a higher perspective; The Anti-Angst Transmission offers an elevation in frequency that allows one to graduate from the education of the human Self to a new Higher Self perspective, while still within the human body. Shifts in perception and other subtleties also occur during this phase.

After receiving the Anti-Angst Transmission, you are now “done with the old ways” where you would “do you” from the place of your “personality”, or your egoic self. You now get to live life from an entirely new, higher and more expansive perspective, one aligned perfectly with the Higher Self. Besides expansive vision, this includes causing no harm to anyone or anything, and exuding compassion and a profound love for all. You now become totally and inseparably integrated and connected to the “all-ness of and is-ness of YOU”, in perfect alignment with your very best friend: Your Higher Self.

Each Unity Living Transmission is ever-expanding and builds on the previous one to provide a broader and broader panacea, no matter how much resistance or trauma requires releasing, leading to the actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


The Into Service Transmission is ultimately about how you present yourself to the world. Rather, this means helping you become the “present” as in the “gift”, to the world you agreed to be before you came here - in your very own, unique Divine authentic Soul way.

The Into Service Transmission will help you find and fully embodying who you were destined to become - and what you were destined to do on Earth.

Not everyone is destined to be on the world stage. Some make their invaluable contribution to humanity by simply being themselves and holding space with their full, I AM Presence.

The Into Service Transmission delves deeper into what kind of “energetic space” you are holding, and focuses on ensuring the purity and alignment of your individual space with Higher Energies and Principles.

It is important to remember that ALL AND EVERYTHING is in a constant state of change, and nothing remains the same, ever. One thing is, however, certain, and that is your life path will change and shift as it unfolds and circumstances and situations around you alter. The decision, both conscious and unconscious, to “go big” or “stay small” will depend on each individual’s situation and their Soul’s desire.

As The Into Service Transmission unfolds over time, it will bring with it an especially exciting time in your spiritual unfolding and may even propel you to transcend any of your previous expectations. It often happens that a 6D individual graduates to 7D once they complete the Unity Living Process.

This Transmission also guides you to act in full integrity, “even when nobody is watching”, as is the expression. The desire to do something because it is the right thing to do, with no expectation, reward or praise, will arise spontaneously from your heart space; Nothing compares with the ultimate satisfaction of this type of rightful action - and a life lived in Service to Others.

Each Unity Living Transmission is ever-expanding and builds on the previous one to provide a broader and broader panacea, no matter how much resistance or trauma requires releasing, leading to the actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


The Effortless Living Transmission is the final transmission of the Unity Living Process. It consolidates and grounds all previous Transmissions and ensures the way is open and free of obstacles to allow effortless manifestation to consistently occur in your life.

It is also about abundance and joy; You can now go forth and live your life in your full power and as your true essence, and enjoy all the experiences you previously imagined may be possible.


The Effortless Living Transmission will continue to unearth anything that stops your life from being effortless. It will bring awareness to those patterns which, up to now, have been unavailable to diffuse.

The Unity Living Process allows for a systematic, ongoing unfoldment, so issues can continue to be resolved at the deepest levels until there's nothing left to process or resolve.

With this final Transmission in your spiritual tool belt, you will have the clarity to address, acknowledge and surrender these dysfunctions in perpetuity.

So, what's stopping you from living an Effortless Life? Absolutely nothing.


This powerful Effortless LIving transmission is your reward for completing the entire Unity Living Process. Manifestation of your perfect life becomes truly effortless as your vision is now clear, unobstructed, and free of interferences and inner resistance. You are now, once again, your Divine Authentic and extremely Powerful Self, in Service to the ALL THAT IS. And what a wonderful, Divine gift that is.